компания системный интегратор, системные интеграторы россии,сетевой интегратор, системная интеграция

технологии разработки программного обеспечения
Проектирование и монтаж инженерных сетей и систем Вакансии


Custom software development

Software development process identifies a sequence of steps, or stages:

  • Requirement analysis
  • Architecture design
  • Development
  • Testing
  • Support

Generally the project starts with analysis undertaken jointly with the customer. This step results in the conception of the information system. The next stage includes project requirements collection, documentation and prototyping. Then architecture design, development, testing and deployment phases follow. Most of the projects do not finish with the deployment stage, so IMPULS-IVC provides technical support services.

Contact us

Our company will develop software according to your requirements. Please contact us

We will answer within 2 business days. First, we need to collect all possible information about your project. Secondly, is the analysis stage which results in a proposal containing:

  1. Our vision of project goals
  2. The way of implementation – technologies, architecture and other significant information
  3. Different ways of project implementations
  4. Assumptions & Restrictions
  5. Project risks identified so far and risk mitigation strategy


IMPULS-IVC develop reliable multifunctional Java-applications using AJAX, XHTML, XML, DOM, CSS, JavaScript, JSP, JSF, Vaadin, JSTL, Struts, Spring, Hibernate и EJB3.

Methodology and project management

IMPULS-IVC realizes the methodology of the business-process management which guarantees high quality of project performance, accordign to implementation terms and customer requirements. The methodology is based on the Rational Unified Process (RUP), worldwide standard of software development and project management and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the world leader of standard development at radio electronics and electro technology. It also combines the world project management practices and the best methods chosen throughout the experience accumulation. This methodology contains a set of  standard project documents, software development principals descriptions, project management practices and process management. The methodology also shares a traditional approach which supports partition of a software product into several stages. It is implemented according to international quality standards, in particular, IMPULS-IVC is certified in the ISO 9001.

IMPULS-IVC is the project oriented company which means that the management is based on project teams. The project team is an independent group managed by a project manager. The project implementation is determined by the software development plan in order to achieve  the project goals. The major advantage of this structure is flexibility. The project group consists of the following members:

  • Project manager
  • Architect
  • Software developers
  • Designer
  • Testers

Quality assurance

IMPULS-IVC is permanently improving processes and services quality. In order to provide high quality level there has been appointed a special employee responsible for quality policy, control and quality of processes maintenance. We apply the following practices to provide high quality.

  1. The standard manufacturing processes control
  2. The management, technical processes and artefacts audit
  3. Software testing
  4. Configuration management of software development process

So we can continuously improve all software development life circles’ processes, starting with requirements analysis and finishing with deployment of ready solutions.

Project tracking

IMPULS-IVC applies the following project tracking practices.

  1. Status meeting
  2. Regular updating software development plan
  3. Status report for all project stakeholders
  4. Change requirements control
  5. Change projects schedule control
  6. Risk control

This package guarantees timely response to any project changes and that customers will be informed immediately in case of changes to the project’s scope of work.

  • ЦФО, г. Москва
    Телефон: (495) 974-77-05,
  • ЦФО, г. Солнечногорск
    Телефон: (495) 974-77-26,
  • СЗФО, г. Санкт-Петербург
    Телефон: (812) 679-49-90,
  • УрФО, г. Екатеринбург
    Телефон: (343) 204-79-01,
  • ПФО, г. Нижний Новгород
    Телефон: (831) 423-23-80,


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